wading ever deeper

trusting Jesus to show me the way as i navigate the waters of being a loving wife, mama, & caregiver.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


sometimes i feel like a juggling clown in the circus of life! it seems there is a never ending list of things to do, and for every one thing i get to cross off my list, it seems like three more pop up. but you know, i just can't complain. i love my life. i wish certain areas were balanced a little differently, but i'll take this season of life for what it is, and do my best to keep my priorities as God wants them to be. i'm madly in love with my husband, who just gets more handsome every single day. we have the MOST adorable, precious, heart-warming 3 1/2 year old son ever, and i can feel our newest addition moving around inside of me more every day. i love being pregnant, i love being a mom, and i love being ritchie's wife. we are healthy and together - thank you, Father!

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