wading ever deeper

trusting Jesus to show me the way as i navigate the waters of being a loving wife, mama, & caregiver.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I love you & I like you!

One of my favorite blogs is http://heavenlyhomemakers.com/  I read every post, and when I get a few free moments, I look through the archives.  I'm grateful to Laura (the author of the blog) and other God-loving women like her who take the time to regularly post words of wisdom, challenge, and inspiration for the rest of us.  I've pretty much given up magazines since discovering the amazing world of blogs! 

So, since I'm trying to post a little more frequently, I thought I would join up with the other Heavenly Homemakers blog readers and write my first ever, "Gratituesday" post.  Then I am going to take adavantage of the few moments I have to nap on this rainy morning.  Moments for which I am extremely grateful :- )

This morning I got to see what seemed like a little glimpse into the future.  I had put a kids praise and worship cd on in Eli's room for him to listen to while he got dressed.  (I love that he dresses himself now - that alone could be my Gratituesday post!)  It had been about 15 minutes since I had heard anything from him, which if you know Eli, you know is odd, as he talks approximately 12 hours out of every 24.  I knew he was dressed, since I had poked my head in his room shortly after asking him to get dressed, to make sure things were going smoothly.  So, not knowing what might be going on at the end of the hall, I went to check things out.  He was sitting in the chair in his room, just listening to the cd.  He looked totally peaceful and relaxed.  And mature.  I was struck with the thought that someday Eli will be my friend.  Sure he might still ask for advice from time to time, but I'll just as likely as him for advice in 30 years. 

Today I am so grateful for the blessing of truly liking my children.  Of course I am overwhelmed with love for them, but I also happen to think they are pretty cool people.  People I look forward to being friends with in the future.  The future that will be here in what will seem to be the blink of an eye.


Angela said...

great post!!

Molly . . . said...

thank you! (um, i just saw your comment - a little late!)