wading ever deeper

trusting Jesus to show me the way as i navigate the waters of being a loving wife, mama, & caregiver.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Menu Plan Monday {my first official!}

Monday, March 8
Salmon Patties, Green Beans
Turkey, Mashed Sweet Potatoes, Salad

Tuesday, March 9
Oatmeal, pears
Leftovers for lunch
Cheddar Ranch Burgers, french fries

Wednesday, March 10  
 Eli's 5th birthday!
Birthday bacon, eggs, and muffins (with a candle on the birthday boy's, of course!)
Lunch out wherever Eli chooses
Super Simple Burritos, black beans, birthday cake and ice cream!

Thursday, March 11
Cinnamon Apple Toast
Country Style Ribs in the crock-pot, salad
Leftovers for dinner

Friday, March 12
Waffles, yogurt and fruit smoothies
Turkey, cranberry, and almond salad
Super Easy Chicken, Cream Scalloped Potatoes, Salad

Saturday, March 13
Cheese Toast
Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwiches (light lunch before the big birthday party :- )

Sunday, March 14
Sunday lunch at my in-law's house
Turkey 'n' Biscuits

Last night I spent alot of time on one of my favorite blogs - http://heavenlyhomemakers.com/ and found lots of recipes to try this week!  I am going to try to create links to her recipes, but just in case I'm not successful, you'll know where to find them and who gets the credit!  My husband really enjoyed the salmon patties at lunch today, and our almost 5 year old loved them (especially with the fresh dill "sprinkles" on top!)

While during my more organized weeks I have been in the practice of planning dinners, this is the first week I've planned for all three meals of the day for the entire week!  Not only that, but I also went to the grocery store and was home by 9:15 this morning - with both boys!  I have to say I feel very "together", and I like it!

1 comment:

Yvonne @ StoneGable said...

Molly, what a great menu! You have a nice ballance and mix of yummy and interesting food. Great post.