it is so amazing to be surrounded by supportive, loving women in my life. i had the sweetest baby shower today, which i admit i had a hard time getting geared up for mentally. i felt guilty having a shower for a second baby, and well, it's always hard for me to be the center of attention. but, it was so, so nice to sit and have a roomful of some of the dearest women i know share in the excitement of the new baby God is blessing us with. it is sooooo different the second time around . . . when pregnant with eli, i spent tons of time getting things ready, and right now i guess i feel kind of behind in that department. i spent far more time planning every little thing about his room, and picking out just the right things he would need. of course, i didn't have anything baby related at that time, and now really, i just mostly need to pull things out of the attic and wash them. i'm sure that contributes to my relaxed mentality. so today, it was just great to open all the treasures friends and family had gathered and brought to me to use for our sweet aaron. it was nice to concentrate just on aaron for a little while. it seemed like this shower was so early - at 25 weeks - compared to eli's shower - at 35 weeks - but really it was perfectly timed. as always, God knows what He is doing! i needed this shower to be today - to make me aware of the excitement that i have, and motivate me to get things ready. i imagine i'll be organizing some things tomorrow - getting ready to transition the eli's room from just sleeping room to also being his playroom . . . and turning the playroom into a nursery! move some things around, pick out colors and paint, and get those precious baby boy things out of the attic to wash and organize! so, i'm grateful to have girlfriends that made this shower happen - that didn't let me say no. i'm grateful that due to the hectic holiday season, they thought it best to have this shower early. i'm just plain grateful.
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