i'm way behind - on laundry, on housework, on photography work. but, i have a plan! i am purging our home of unnecessary belongings. then, everything will be given an assigned place. and everyone who lives here will eagerly put things back where they belong immediately after using them (i'm so kidding). just like with weight loss, i know that the hardest part will be the maintenance. but once there is a system in place, i know life will be easier. i've had it before and i miss it! i feel ahead because not only have i decided to this is, i have actually started (and it's only december 29- i'm ahead of new year's resolutions)! i have completed 7 kitchen cabinets and 4 drawers. i washed the glassware we are giving away and have packed it in boxes. i've reorganized our coffee cups and glasses so that the coffee cups, filters, and coffee are in the cabinet above the coffee pot. all of this tidiness makes me giddy. i am not so sure ritchie gets this about me, which is okay. once i get the whole job done & maintain the orderliness for a few weeks, he'll remember that we once lived in such a manner. he'll see the muscles in my shoulders relax, and the glow of contentment on my face, and he will see that i really am a bit ocd. my tendency towards neatness and order have simply been thwarted by multiple big life events. i'm getting back on track :- )